Saturday, May 31, 2014


rough shell, 
grit and sand surround you
smooth, center, soft and inviting 
singing the oceans song through your fixed throat

stars illumine the heart of you 
galaxies contained in your depth
easy to overlook
in your ordinary crusted cape
yet so quick to
yield your intrinsic beauty with
minimal manipulation by my hands
we are similar 
you and I

both of static
and waiting; 
what we posses inside is 
secreted and silent

i will be my own hand and 
Turn This Beauty Inside Out
I will pluck myself from the sea 
I will radiate the cosmos that made me
It will light my way into remembrance
I am always home and 
I am made of stars

Saturday, March 1, 2014


parenting is not for wimps
she said with a smile that
was conspiratorial in nature

has moved me to scream
find myself curled in the
corner, a shell

has brought me joy
the tears of first flesh
warm in my arms

is the road i travel
intertwined, destined
until death

i am


Well, today has been a bust.  

Rise to the surface, take a breath and feel the sun on our faces only to be pulled down by the whirlpool of drama that stems from so much in this family.  The line that demarcates where to push and where to yield is more of a broken path of breadcrumbs than a definitive line.  This ambiguity brings with it so much pain, fear and tears.  

Couched in the many layers of culture, familial upbringing, historical interaction and disappointment; the smallest disagreement can and often does spin into a vortex of dissension and upheaval.  So, here I sit with a post-emotive hangover with a household suspended in inaction.

Thursday, January 9, 2014



gravity, they say, is
the power that intuits the
growth of all things green,
the power that brings
my skin, my bones
to a place of quiet rest

gravity is a lesson
to be learned;
the moment when
one realizes that
omnipotent forces exist
waiting to be met

my son with his
splintered bones
like old wood,
has come to know
the meaning behind
this lesson

has lost the notions
that flight is possible
and that the ground
is soft and yielding
like my lap

this metamorphosis
is more that osteocytes
meeting and re-connecting

his world has shifted - physics 101

to take from him
this moment
would be liberating for me
yet he has chosen to
meet the world
hands down

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


today it is some teeth.

life is like that
parts of us being taken
away at intervals

there will be days,
days of loss that
(corporal or not)
will leave a space
an ache, a phantom pain -

life takes its measure
and its token
for the privilege of
walking the road
of one's own desire

teeth; skin to asphalt,
emotional investment,
heartache, accidents,
the dull ache of an empty womb.

are the spaces
where the light
can get in

without loss


winding round
the bend and back
to where I stand
glazed eyes

the sun finds its
way through the trees
the leaves return 
to the

i stand, alone
connected to
something for
which i have 
no words

no words

just an ache
an unshed tear;
a longing
that i will 
find my way
like the sun 

and the leaves


Saturday, January 4, 2014



When i wake,
the cool dry tiles
tell my feet it's morning
long after my eyes open
to the darkness of predawn

thought patterns in flux
from scattered phantoms of
lost night visions
mixed with start up and
download of today's
version of to-do

breathe and wait
breathe and wait
let the day come as it may
as it will, it is inevitable
there is no levy for life

be still and wait
breathe and allow a
place of stillness to form
that guides me to my
next rest as I enter the day

Let's go